type 44 clutch interchangeability?

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Thu Jul 21 09:13:07 EDT 2005

If you have the flat style flywheel on your 200, only the discs are
interchangable. If yours is dished, then both the plate and the disc are

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beatty, Robert" <BeattyR at ummhc.org>
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:06 am
Subject: type 44 clutch interchangeability?

> Need to know if anyone has tried this or knows it off the top of 
> their head.
> I have an 86 5k cs quattro with about 10-15k on a clutch.  Its now 
> becominga parts car to keep my 89 200TQ going.  The clutch in the 
> 200 is gone.  In
> fact its beyond gone and I really need to switch it out.  I haven't 
> had the
> money recently to spend on a new clutch since they are 350$ plus 
> shippingeverywhere I have looked.  So I am verifying that I can 
> pull the clutch out
> of the 5ktq and toss it into the 200.
> Anyone have any thoughts on this and why it might not work?  
> According to
> Sachs online site 
> (http://www.sachsna.com/owx_medien/media282/28240.pdf) the
> disc sizes and teeth are exactly the same, which makes sense since 
> they are
> both MC-1 motors.  The kits themselves are different numbers 
> however, which
> I thought was odd and I'm wondering whats different between the 2 
> cars.
> The kit #'s are KF772-01 for the 200 and KF293-01 for the 5ktq.
> Any help would be appreciated, or even if someone has a clutch 
> lying around
> they arent going to use and your willing to sell it cheaper than 
> retail, let
> me know that too.
> Thanks!
> Rob
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