AllData was:(no subject)
Adam A. Luy
Adam at
Thu Jul 21 13:08:07 EDT 2005
The crappy thing is that the AllData that shops use isn't too bad, but is totally different than the online 'end-user-DIY' version. I have a couple of AllDataDIY accounts, but when I need real info I usually end up calling one of my autmotive shop clients that have the full 13 DVD set.
----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eric Sanborn
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 4:20 AM
To: Cody Forbes
Cc: giannandrea at; Jim Jordan; quattro at
Subject: Re: AllData was:(no subject)
On 7/18/05, Cody Forbes <cody at> wrote:
> Jim Jordan wrote:
> > I think you have to be more specific; the older AllData was not
> > very complete but I can't address the newer ones.
This will not answer the question for Audi info, but I got an AllData account for my Diesel Suburban. It was so horrible I canceled it the next day. I know I am spoiled by Bentley, but I have seen better information from a Hayes manual.
Just my experience (and on a different make car), but IMHO AllData is junk if you want to do anything more than change your oil.
Eric Sanborn
quattro mailing list
quattro at
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