4000s starting issue (no click/crank)

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Jul 23 06:41:48 EDT 2005

You might want to check your starter wiring.  It may look like my wife's
'86 4kq's wires used to:  http://www.pbase.com/kneale_brownson/image/43663744

At 10:49 PM 7/22/2005 -0700, 928s at canada.com wrote:
>I been running my car w/o issue for many months.
>the one morning i go to start my car & nothing happens.
>lights illuminate on dash as key turns, hear the fuel
>pump start but no 'click' or crank in the engine bay.
>i recharged my battery as i thought it might be lean
>even in summertime. checked fuses.
>i notice there's no specific relay for ignition as it's
>a function of the ICU.
>looking through the audi factory manual, it mentions
>checking the transmission ground strap. When i google I
>cannot find any refernce to this. Is this the same
>strap near the motor oil refill cap?
>The only consideration I can think of is that we had a
>hard rain a few days back as it's been a dry summer and
>maybe something further corroded afterwards.
>i searched the audifans archive but didn't get an
>answer to my 'no-sounds starting' issue.
>'86 4000s auto
>5-Cyl. 2.2
>288K Km. in Canada
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>quattro at audifans.com

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