VR6 questions

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Sun Jul 24 10:51:45 EDT 2005

The early VR6 engines are notorious for coil problems, inspect it and
you'll find several cracks in the plastic housing causing sparks to
gound points near the coil.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Glubrecht <daveglu at hotmail.com>
Date: Saturday, July 23, 2005 11:40 pm
Subject: VR6 questions

> Trying to diagnose a intermittent cutting out problem on a 93 VR6 
> Passat. 
> It appears to be three coils with waisted spark ignition.
> First time you start car, it will run till you shut it off.
> If you restart within ~10 min, it will die in ~5 min.
> After ~10 min of dead, it will restart and run the rest of the day.
> The tack continues to work (indicating spark signal) but if you 
> pull a sparkplug wire there is no spark.
> The above line should indicate where to start, but I thought I 
> would see if anyone has heard of a common problem with these.   
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