Recommendations for Battery Tenders

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Tue Jul 26 06:55:17 EDT 2005

Battery Tender IS the name you want.  That's what I use for the eight-volt
battery in my '37 Graham.  However, why should you need one?  A good
battery should be able to sit unused for quite a while if the car's
electrics are in good shape.

At 11:26 PM 7/25/2005 -0400, LL - NY wrote:
>Looking for recommendations/sources for a battery tender
>for my //S6 (mAC) which is seeing little use 'cuz it just can't
>fit things I can fit in the Saabaru whilst renovating a house. 
>I've been told Griot's has a nice one (pricey), any others?
>Scargo, no longer worried about going BOOM!
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