Recommendations for Battery Tenders

LL - NY larrycleung at
Tue Jul 26 14:08:44 EDT 2005

Don't want to OVERCHARGE, which is the second biggest killer of batteries. 

2A continuous charge on a battery will transfer materials from plate
to plate in
fairly short order. THAT's why the tender, rather than on trickle
charge. If it's
a good monitoring unit, it should stop charging when the voltage meets
the expected, and only trickle when needed.

Why does this make me want to go to the BR?


On 7/26/05, Keith Lawyer <LawyerKG at> wrote:
> >>> Brett Dikeman <brett at> 7/26/2005 7:00 AM >>>
> >Griots is a silly waste of money all around,
> Agreed!  They market to those who pat themselves on the back for changing the oil, which is the full extent of anything mechanical that ever occurs in said target market's garage(s).
> Anyhoo.........what's wrong with a basic battery charger, those with a switch for 6 or 12V and 2 or 6amp charge?  I'd get one like this with the 2A trickle charge:
> maybe you're trying to avoid the additional expense?  But you end up with an actual charger as well.  The one linked above is 10A/2A..........but I've got an old 6A/2A my dad gave me and I use it all the time, as many questionable batteries and vehicles that I seem to have around......  plus w the gauge you get a feel for just how bad the battery is and if it'll take a charge
> I dunno, but it's one of the handiest "tools" I have's an investment you'll use over and over.
> Keith L
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