4000s starting issue (no click/crank)

Mark R speedracer.mark at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 16:36:24 EDT 2005

What is the resistance of the wiring?  Visually checking is no good
(see my earlier post about crappy VAG wiring and how they like to
corrode inside the jacket as the poor jacket to wire adhesion makes
water wick inside).  Also, is "connector A" the ground strap?  I'm not
looking at a schematic at the moment... but if it's the ground strap
jumpering those two terminals (as I read it described) would be
dangerous and damaging to the battery.  It's the equivalent of
jumpering the battery terminals and keep in mind... those wires are

Be careful,
Mark Rosenkrantz

PS- A Porsche 928S?  Cool GT cruiser!

On 7/28/05, 928s at canada.com <928s at canada.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>  Well upon the advice of another on how to hot-wire the
> 4000, I tried connecting a wire between the Solenoid's
> 2 big bolts (Term30 & ConnectionA). Many sparks. Then a
> turn of the key & only 1 click. Another turn of the key
> & no engine noise, just fuel pump. Maybe I have the
> wrong 2 connections shorted. I was under the impression
> the car would start w/o turn of key.?
>  The ground wire from ConnectionA to body of Starter is
> OK. It's a bit tight underneath the car and I could not
> see any rear mounting bolts. I believe the transmission
> is sitting low due to an incident a few years ago.
>  Is the "Engine to earth Ground" the wire that connects
> to the front bodywork from nearby the motor oil refill
> cap? If so, mines OK.
>  alex v.

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