Jim Jordan capnkidd at
Sat Jul 30 12:58:13 EDT 2005

This is somewhat related;  one of the reasons for specifying flat bed tows
is that they got tired of the tow drivers dragging the driving wheels on
front wheel drive cars.  Front wheels are supposed to roll free, right?
Then a further related problem that occurred in California was that of the
Smog people having to delay using dynamometers to test for NOX at "highway
speeds".  You see, they had a rash of startup problems because the 4 wheel
drive cars, mostly Audi, would run throught test equipment and walls.  The
delay was so they could publish a complete list of models and the drive
train types and do the necessary training of the smog techs.  Even now I
have to chuckle at the image of a smog tech engaging the gears and finding
that the car wants to run away instead of stand still on the idle rollers. 

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: cobram at [mailto:cobram at] 
>  Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 4:38 PM
>  To: capnkidd at
>  Cc: quattro at
>  Subject: Re: AAA
>  Jim Jordan" <capnkidd at> writes:
>  > BTW, AAA in Arizona wouldn't reimburse the cost of a torn 
>  CVJ caused 
>  > by a AAA dispatched tow;  however, California AAA did for "good
>  will"(and 
>  > to shut me up).
>  Here in the NE they've wised up.  Last time I needed a tow 
>  for the 5KS (non-Q), they would not send out anything by a 
>  flatbed.  Took an extra 30 minutes or so over a regular 
>  hook.  "It's an Audi, we're only authorized to send a 
>  flatbed to an Audi tow."  I gave up trying to explain, as 
>  the operator on the phone obviously didn't know the 
>  difference between a Quattro and Shine-ola.
>  BCNU,
>  Circular definition: see definition, circular.

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