Turbo and NG ignition

TooManyAudis at aol.com TooManyAudis at aol.com
Sat Jun 4 05:11:06 EDT 2005

Would the compression be reduced any by swapping in an MC or other turbo  
Head?  How about a thicker (if available) head gasket to lower the  compression?  
Wouldn't swapping in Turbo pistons or shorter rods also serve  to reduce 
What about staying n/a with a 7A 20v head?  Would that work with the  NG 
ignition system?  
Changing the head on an NG engine is not that difficult.  Hell, I  did it on 
my 80q twice (with a bit of patience, once would have been  sufficient) and 
pistons/rods, I believe, can be done with the engine in the  car once the head 
is off.  I mean, if you need to change the exhaust  manifold to one that has a 
turbo, well, don't you have to take the head off  anyway?  once you're there, 
the other options aren't that much additional  work.
On another note, how much hp can be gained with a cam swap / head port and  
polish?  You're at 130 with the NG to begin with.  Surely, another 20  hp has 
got to be possible with a cam and good port and polish job, right?
Have to tried a "Tornado" yet.  Isn't that good for 20+ hp and  
dramatically-improved gas mileage.
Or, you could always buy my 91 200q, keep your Coupe GT stock and have the  
best of a kick-ass highway cruiser while still keeping your go-cart handling  
-- Tom
Charleston SC  

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