wastegate flap

Cat ^. .^ ~ iceisit at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 5 22:27:10 EDT 2005

William Magliocco wrote:
>The rupture, tearing, or holes in this wastegate flap
>cause improper boost regulation.  The device is
>controlled by engine vacuum through a solenoid.
>When working, vacuum is supplied by the engine, and
>regulated through the solenoid.  It is supposed to
>provide a smooth boost.
>When the flap fails, the engine vacuum can no longer
>"pull" the flap up.  No pull, the wastegate valve will
>stay in the "off" position longer than it should. 
>Boost goes beyond what the computer says it should,
>and then the computer momentarily shuts the fuel
>supply off.
>In the car, the symptom would be that the engine
>abruptly but momentarily loses power under hard
>acceleration, but regains power when you let up on the
>gas (killing your boost).
>But, no, the problems you describe do not appear to be

Well that sorta fits as the more gas I give it the worse it


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