ATE power disc pulsation when braking

Ivan Demkovitch idemkovitch at
Mon Jun 6 08:46:54 EDT 2005

I think that will be a lesson for us...
I went with ATE Powerdiscs on my BMW and have those pulsations after 10k.. I 
assume it will get worse. And I'm not at the end of grooves yet...

On that car I will be back with stock rotors/pads. Can't get any better.

93' S4
97' 540i/6

>Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 00:46:41 -0400
>From: "Craig D. Niederst" <cdniederst at>
>Subject: ATE power disc pulsation when braking
>To: "'Quattro List'" <quattro at>,	"'Audi list'"
>	<v6-12v at>
>Message-ID: <20050606044631.28A0F6E80D8 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
>The ATE Powerdiscs on my '92 100S are at the wear point where I have 
>the "bottom" of the grooves machined into the rotor. This causes the car to
>pulsate badly when braking. Are the rotors at their wear limits when this
>occurs, or could I just have them turned? They only have about 17k on them,
>and the OEM pads have ~1/2 of their life left. With the arrival of my '00 
>4.2, this car will be for sale soon, and this pulsation will definitely be 
>problem trying to sell it. TIA.
>'92 100S (117k)
>'00 A6 4.2 (53k)

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