NAC: VW Pissat (sic)

Derek Daily dtdaily at
Fri Jun 10 19:19:58 EDT 2005


Just to chime in, because we're all addicted to watching others in
less fortunate situations than we are in...hence, reality TV...

Robbery.  or, possibly...fraud

Trying to figure out how the heLL, they came up with this stuff?  

I thought my S4 would (will?) kill me when I do some serious work. 
But pulling the motor is 19 hours.  Even here in CA, with labor cost
approaching 100$/hr...that's 2g's.  Something ain't right...

Prop shaft?  In 8-10 years following this list (from afar) I've heard
of maybe a couple of these...probably just for the heck of re-doing
their urq.  Plenty of Phil references to lubing the U-joint though...

And cats would be a last resort after changing out O2s, right?  So
how can they ask you to change the cats, with only 1 OXS replacement?

FWIW...S4 has 4 friggen by factory...1200+ for parts only if
you were to change them all.

These guys are splicing VW sensors to lower the I haven't tried them yet.

P.S.  If you had plenty of time...which few of us do...I'd change out
the OXS myself.  Take it to a indie shop and have them re-check the
VAG codes.  Then, when it was clear, which it probably would be.  I'd
call the BBB, write a letter and hand deliver it to the service

01 S4 Avant (90k-TB,H20,OXS,Plugs=$1800)
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 10:59:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steve Meyer <quattroslm at>
Subject: NAC..'00 VW Passat 4Motion...$7200 in repairs!!!
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <20050610175907.62634.qmail at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I know it's not Audi, but it's close. I recently took
my '00 VW Passat 4Motion(107,000miles)in for
diagnostic work and got blown away by the list of
things needed done. I knew it wasn't going to be
pretty, but $7200 is alot of money for repairs.

The biggie is two new cats...$4200, including labor,
aparently the parts are $3800.

Prop shaft with labor...$1400

Valve cover gasket and tensior gaskets(?)...$980

1 O2 sensor...$340

Vacuum lines...$100

And this is all they can say for sure now. The codes
for the o2 sensor and the bad cats are in the way for
checking any further.

Does this seem resonable? Any options besides the
dealer on these items?

Thanks for your help!

Derek Daily
dtdaily at

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