How long can a turkey gobble before you damage the water pump?

Jonathan Monetti jmone3036 at
Tue Jun 14 09:22:32 EDT 2005

I did change the roller bearing w/the TB job.  Best I could muster up the
other day was a piece of rebar to carry the sound (not the best stethoscope,
to be sure), and it *seemed* like the water pump was the source, but you
might be right on this one.  Also, I didn't even think about the
damper...maybe wishful thinking, since I can get the top of the TB cover off
easily but doing the whole shooting match is another story.  

Thanks...will look (listen) deeper into this. 

>  "Jonathan Monetti" <jmone3036 at> writes:
> <snip>
> >there is a still metallic sound coming from the general area of the  
> >water pump
> Did you change the roller bearing?  
> Take the cover off and carefully listen with a mechanics stethoscope. 
> Metallic noise is usually the roller bearing, the water pump 
> makes more of a low tone sound when in failure mode.  Also, 
> check to make sure that nothing is rubbing against the 
> harmonic damper and it's correctly seated.

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