95 A6Q having a weird Electrical problem

Tyson Varosyan tigran at tigran.com
Sat Jun 18 03:16:24 EDT 2005

Hi All,

Man, this car is getting on my nerves. The problem now is a strange
electrical issue. With the car off, I can turn the key to the ON position
(without starting the car) and all electrical stuff works as normal. As soon
as I crank the car and let the key return to ON position I lose the
following items: Turn signals, Head Lights, Heater/AC and windshield wipers.
Running lights, dash lights, high beams and emergency lights work just fine
though. I have to turn the car off again before I get these items working,
but then I cannot drive because as soon as I start the car, all that stuff
cuts out...

I think what is happening is that one of the accessory circuits (I assume
that the car has 2 or 3 of them) is on a relay of some sort that is supposed
to cut out momentarily under START mode to give the starter maximum juice.
Problem is, it does not cut back in... I assume that this is a function of a
relay. I took the cover off that is directly under the steering wheel to
find a few relays that had little to do with accessories. Laughably enough,
one of them was labeled "Diesel", which this is a gasoline car... I looked
under the hood... Where is the relay box on this car?! Ether way, any
thoughts as to WTF is causing my issue?

Also, I do not know if this has anything to do with it but a few days before
the problem appeared, I had a new aftermarket radio installed in the car.
However, because they had to put in some translator box and a relay behind
the player, it did not fit all that well. I saw the install tech push wires
in with his hand and then force the radio unit into the slot. If the relay
box is there, I can see that causing some issues, but everything worked just
fine for a few days after the install...

Tyson Varosyan
Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
tyson at up-times.com
206-715-TECH (8324)


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