Was: US F 1 race ... Michelin, Now: Falken (VAG)

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Mon Jun 20 19:52:58 EDT 2005

Speaking of tires I have a question:
About a month ago put Falken ZIEX 512 (were on sale but not dirt cheap) on a VW NB.  They are very noisy with harmonic humm, even some vibration at higher speeds.  Had them at 30 PSI Front, 28 Rear (Factory recommends 29 F, 26 R) - the fornts began wearing too much on the outside edges.  So got them up to 34 F, 30 R, same loud noise.  The car even pulls to the right a little, no pull with Hankook winters on.  Any similar impressions or ideas how to rectify this?  Or are these junk?



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