US Formula 1 race great for Ferarri, bad for Michelin

Cody Forbes cody at
Tue Jun 21 17:30:28 EDT 2005

I see it as this. Lets say we are watching the Boston Marathon. During 
training one group of runners get tangled up in each other and they all end 
up with an injury, be it twisted ankles or whatnot. Now are we going to tell 
the runners who weren't involved that we are going to strap 30lbs of weight 
to each of thier ankles to make up for the other runners handicap? No. That 
wouldn't be right. Just because some are handicaped there is no reason to 
punish the fit people.

Michelin clad teams did not come prepared to race, Bridgestone teams did - 
simple as that. It's not that Michelin simply couldn't race at all, they 
were handicaped. They could have raced just fine if they would back off the 
pace some, but no they chose to drop out. In thier eyes not racing is better 
then being shown to be slow. Bridgestone could have easily used that as an 
advertising campaign.... a picture of the finishing resultts with 6 
Bridgestone clad cars leading ALL of the Michelin cars.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast.

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