This is my rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine...... NAC

Jim Jordan capnkidd at
Thu Jun 23 11:54:39 EDT 2005


That message hit a resonant chord.  I actually don't remember if my first
assigned weapon was a Springfield 03 or an M1, but I had to sleep with it
until I memorized its serial number.  I won't repeat it here, but I
sometimes use it with a suffix or prefix as a password.  I'll always
remember it.

Semper fi.

Jim Jordan
Owned by an 81 5KT > 332K miles(all mine)

>  Message: 4
>  Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 01:46:08 EDT
>  From: AUDIJIM at
>  Subject: Re: 4kq burned wire from wrong relay in fuel pump 
>  relay spot 
>  To: quattro at
>  Message-ID: <76.55ccad78.2feba6a0 at>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>  In a message dated 6/23/2005 12:54:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>  quattro-request at writes:
>  that's
>  harder than putting an AR-15 assault rifle together in the dark and
>  under water I bet  lol
>  Having done just that while I was in the Marine Corps, I can 
>  tell you that I 
>  was able to field strip and reassemble my M16-A2 with or 
>  without light, upside 
>  down (don't ask how I know that) bouncing inside a C-130, 
>  Helicopters, 
>  Humvee's, 2 1/2 ton, or whatever type of transport I was in 
>  at the time. Not to 
>  mention trying to the above while participating in Panama 
>  and Desert Sheild/Storm. 
>  It wouldn't be recommended to field strip your weapon under 
>  water. Having to 
>  sleep with your rifle and getting to know your weapon inside 
>  and out, it 
>  became second nature. I think a lot of us are just about 
>  there with our Audi's!
>  This is my rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine......
>  *This reply was intended to be targeted to the lighter and 
>  funnier side of 
>  life*
>  Semper Fi,
>  Jim Furdyn
>  former US Marine

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