4kq hard starting-stumbling

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 23 19:23:03 EDT 2005

Maybe I missed it somewhere but has anyone suggested
checking aand adjusting the base fuel mixture? Once a
CIS-E car has warmed up and gone into close loop fuel
control it can compensate for the fuel mixture being
way off. If the base setting is lean you can get the
hard starting and stumbling described. All the cold
enrichment, after-start enrichment, acceration
enrichment is enrichment from the base fuel mixture
Just a thought

--- Tony Hoffman <tfh400036 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> The other thing to check is the plug for that
> sender. They quite often get messed up with time,
> and make the same symptoms as a bad sender. You can
> get the plug and connectors from another car, or
> online.
> Tony Hoffman
> Jan Pinkowish <jpinkowish at earthlink.net> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> [Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 14:13:47 -0700 (PDT)
> From: William Perron 
> Subject: 4kq hard starting-stumbling
> I've been having a problem w/ my '85 4kq lately that
> I can't seem to figure out.
> Problem: Hard starting when "cold"-- cold varying
> from 50F to 95F. 
> <><><><>
> Bill,
> Even though you swapped the ECU temp sender with a
> "known good" sender, grab a resistor in the 2-5k ohm
> range and insert it into the temp sender connector.
> This will fool the ECU to think the engine is cold
> and enrich the fuel/air mixcha. If you do this when
> the car is cold and it starts and runs fine, then
> you need a new temp sender -- it has faile dto a low
> resistance. If the car still stumbles, either the
> connector or wiring is at fault. Start by replacing
> the connector or checking the connection at the ECU.
> If you can't get a hold of a resistor, I have a
> variable resistor box you can borrow.
> Jan
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