"domestic appliances"

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Jun 24 00:49:57 EDT 2005

I think everyone (who isn't already) completely ignoring your objections
to "no Audi content" can do so now.

"Free people don't ask for permission to defend themselves."

Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:

> Here's a tip for our favorite man Bernie Ecclestone.  When you're  
> really unpopular in the US, don't call the woman Indy has pinned its 
> hopes on for its revival...
> ...a "domestic appliance".
> http://news.google.com/news?q=bernie+patrick+domestic
> -this will give all the "rouge" teams ammunition with the public  
> against FIA.  Rightly so.  Bernie must be clinically insane, or  
> looking to go into retirement with a bang.
> -she could have done wonders for F1, right when it needed a boost 
> the  
> most, especially after last weekend
> Seriously, this is pretty nuts, even for Bernie.
> I wonder if anyone has rung up IMSA yet, to see if they'd like to  
> hold a couple of shindigs with some really quick cars.  Y'know, just 
> get a bunch of cars together, no more than 2 dozen.  Put 'em on a  
> road course.  See how fast they go.  Maybe invite the public, set up 
> a couple TV cameras in case something interesting happens?
> Brett

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