UPDATE Re: Misfire on cyl. 2

Doug Yoder yoderw at msoe.edu
Thu Jun 30 16:48:42 EDT 2005

Drove the car 5 mi home, same behavior as this morning (very slow accel, 
rough running, etc).  Took the top half of the intake off (#$&% NG-style 
heads), took the injectors out, inspected - they all look ok, nice and 
shiny tips - then did a spray test.  Each injector went in a clear 
plastic bottle, powered up the fuel pump, and lifter the air metering 
plate.  All 5 injectors sprayed nice even patterns, at roughly the same 
rate.  Swore for a bit, and put everything back together.  Total time, 
1.5 hrs.
Start it up, and it runs about like it did before I changed the ignition 
components yesterday evening (still a little rough, need to get it tuned 
I think, but MUCH better than driving to/from work today).

Replys to other comments from this thread:
1. I use mid-grade fuel, 89 R+M/2.
2. The injectors were replaced about a year before I bought the car, so 
they're only about 3.5 years old.
3. No, I didn't pull codes.  This car doesn't have the CEL, and I've 
never had luck getting the connectors in the driver footwell to work.

Thanks for all the help!
-Doug Yoder

|    Doug Yoder    |   wdy at zordok.net   |    http://www.zordok.net/    |
|  Don't tell me the sky's the limit...                                |
|                                  ...there's footprints on the moon.  |

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