90Q removing bolt from rear diff mount.

Tom Leppke-Hennig printhead at usinternet.com
Mon Mar 7 12:56:42 EST 2005

Tom, this can be one of the biggest challenges in dealing with bushings all over the car.
This can turn a 15 minute rear-shock job on a Rabbit into a three hour battle royale. The
method I always wind up falling back upon, even though I keep trying easier ways (and
failing), is to saw through the bolt by running a hacksaw blade along side the joint. Then
butch out the bushing and install new bushing and bolt.

I see no reason why that bolt shouldn't be available, but it will be a dealer item if you
want the exact part.

Here in the rust belt I would say that it goes this way half the time if its a joint I have
not yet had apart. As always, coating the inside of the bushing and the outside of the bolt
with neversieze or grease prevents this from ever happening again.

Have fun!

Tom LH
1995 90q

<<I am trying to replace the bushing in rear mount of the rear differential in
my '91 90Q (same as 4K). I cannot get the bolt that goes through the rubber
bushing out, so I cannot remove the mount itself. I have tried WD-40, PBlaster
and whacking it with a brass drift and a BFH. The bushing itself had almost
disintegrated, by levering against the subframe I can lift the mount 3/4" with a
screwdriver. I assume the center "barrel" of the bushing is frozen to the
bolt. If I put a socket on the bolt, it turns.

Is there something I am missing here? I think I can get in there with my
sawzall and cut it. Is a new bolt available?

Tom Faust>>

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