Replace radio in '85 4KQ

Matt Suffern msuffern at
Thu Mar 17 10:57:39 EST 2005

My solution:

Couldn't be happier with it.  

Gonna be hard to find something that plays tapes too unless you play cds through a remote-mounted changer and tapes through the headunit.  The 
good news is that (at least judging by the latest Crutchfield catalog), headunit designs seem to be moving away from all the silver, multicolored 
flashy crap and back to more sober, clean designs.

'86 4kq
Chapel Hill, NC

----- Original Message -----
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 22:26:19 -0900
> From: RLiotta <rliotta at>
> Subject: Replace radio in '85 4KQ
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <4239311B.1010906 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I want CDs in my 85 4000 CS Quattro!
> I still have the original Blankpunt (??) Radio/Casette-- and I would
> like to take it out and replace with----
> Best-- Radio/CD/Tape
> OK---Radio/CD
> Please-- what gotchas do I have to look our for?
> Oh yes--  I would just as soon not mess with the speakers-- just keep
> using the originals.
> Can anyone recommend a radio that they really like??
> Thanks!--  Rick

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