to v8 or not to v8

John Larson j.d.larson at
Sun Mar 20 16:29:01 EST 2005

Kent wrote, in response to David:  "David wrote:
> I know the auto tranie is the weak poin in the V8q, but is there
> anything that can be done to prolong the life? Like frequent fluid
> changes? Or a different fluid?

Yes.  A yearly fluid flush keeps the transmission fluid from
being over diluted by the differential(?) fluid leaking past
the seal.  Some places can do a power flush, which flushes
(all/most of) the old fluid out.  Some people just drop the
pan and replace the 4(?) quarts, run it, drop the plan,
replace 4 quarts, drop the pan, replace 4 quarts, which
doesn't get rid of *all* the old fluid, but enough that
extends the life of the transmission.

Check the archives for "v8 transmission fluid change".
Here is one posting on the subject:

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

I've been working on Audis and their VW cousins for over 30 years now, and 
from the mid 70s on the big problem has been ATF in the diff, not gear oil 
in the tranny.  The tranny section operates at pretty high pressure and 
flow, the gear oil is just there, being flung about by the ring gear.  I've 
also seen numerous transmission oil cooler failures where coolant passes 
into the trans, a real disastrous event.  Have I just been lucky to have 
missed gear oil contamination of the ATF?  John 

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