to v8 or not to v8

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Mar 20 16:42:47 EST 2005

Why would you drop the pan?  Why not just undo the drain plug?

At 11:00 AM 3/20/2005 -0500, Kent McLean wrote:

>Yes.  A yearly fluid flush keeps the transmission fluid from
>being over diluted by the differential(?) fluid leaking past
>the seal.  Some places can do a power flush, which flushes
>(all/most of) the old fluid out.  Some people just drop the
>pan and replace the 4(?) quarts, run it, drop the plan,
>replace 4 quarts, drop the pan, replace 4 quarts, which
>doesn't get rid of *all* the old fluid, but enough that
>extends the life of the transmission.

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