to v8 or not to v8

Sun Mar 20 18:33:03 EST 2005

In a message dated 3/20/2005 12:05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
quattro-request at writes:

> I know the auto tranie is the weak poin in the V8q, but is there anything 
> that can be done to prolong the life? Like frequent fluid changes? Or a 
> different fluid? Oh, Audi Connection isn't in NC, they are in Suffolk, VA, about 1/2 
> hour from me.

I am assuming that the V8 tranny is similar to the 5K. A few years back, I 
had a '90 100, that developed the usual tranny problems; clunked into reverse, 
slow from 1st to 2nd. On advice from a local shop, I tried Lucas Tranny FIx. 
Although I cannot claim a complete cure, it did improve. It also lasted another 
30-40, 000 before I gave it away. As I understand it most Audi tranny problems 
result from bad/poor seals. As with all tranny additives, Lucas claims to 
revive seals. Maybe it does, but I suspect it is just higher viscosity. In any 
case, it was certainly worth the money. 

I recall that the directions indicated that if "some" helped, add more. I 
think I did. The difficulty with Audis (and most auto trannys) is that you can't 
drain much fluid by dropping the pan, most of the fluid stays in the 
converter. I recommend cracking the line to the cooler.

I believe I was conceived in Suffolk, is it still the Peanut Capital? That 
was so long ago it was still Nansemond. Yeah, Yeah, I remember the "occupation". 

Tom Faust

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