what should i get?/parts interchange

Shawn Manny shawn.manny at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 20:04:21 EST 2005

I grabbed the pierburg vac. pump, fuel pump relay and others, shift
knob, rear diff lines and actuator bracket. I was just curious as to
what if anything could/would swap over. My car is stripped for racing
anyways so the interior was no biggie, If the fourth BBS wheel had
have been there I would've gotten them but alas only 3 were there.
Will the door handles swap over? (please say yes)
Other than that my project is getting close to completion, need to
finish the t-belt R&R, swap in my new dampers and strut tops, get my
exhaust built and some seat brackets made and she's done...if my
sponsor wants to weld in a roll bar Im not gonna stop him...
If anyonw WANTS parts from this car email me off list and I'll get
what I can. Its red, uncrashed and fairly complete, minus parts that I
mentioned above.


On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 20:58:53 -0500, Kent McLean
<kentmclean at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Shawn Manny wrote:
> > found an 80 quattro in the local pick n' pull, what should i grab for
> > my 87 4000 quattro?
> If the body is in good shape, I'd gab the whole car
> and put the good stuff from the 4K into the 80. But
> that's just me.
> What does your 4K need?
> --
> Kent McLean
> '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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