Interference engines... all makes...4000Q is not interference BTW

Bob bob at
Mon Mar 21 11:35:18 EST 2005

This is assuming you have a stock cam. As soon as you put in a 272 or 
hotter, its interference.


SuffolkD at wrote:

>I'll take a shot at this not knowing the exact answer.....
>Its related to valve float.
>The faster the engine is turning, the more the valves travel a wee bit 
>further against the spring that retracts them.  Go fast enough and the inertia will 
>cause the very close tolerances at idle to become in contact.
>FWIW:  The JT? (85-87) 4000Q 5cylinder isn't an interference engine.  Mine 
>broke at a stop light intersection and all's well.  high RPM might have been a 
>different story.......
>Do that in a MC 1 or 2 or any turbo engine and you're toast, per se.
>HTH - Scott by BOSTON
>>From: Jonathan Farrugia <>
>>Subject: Re: 
>>Cc: quattro at
>>    <Pine.SOL.4.58.0503210155460.8519 at>
>>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>>can someone explain to me how an engine is not interference at idle but is
>>a higher operating speeds?
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