fiberglass fabrication

Denis sparkplugvw at
Mon Mar 21 20:44:11 EST 2005

  I dont have litt but i do mold.
  Depend what is your questions.

  You need good resine. The one that does not shrink . Dont get it from Canadian Tire :-)
  Go to Marine repair material or any industrial supplier.
  You ll need rooving and matt fiberglass tissu.
  You ll need gelcoat too to make good surface.
  You ll need some anti adehsive product ( sorry for english i cant explain in english) loctite make gun spray product for that. Paste type too.

  Reycoat make those product.( not sure the spell )

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Igor Kessel 
    To: Audi S-list ; Audi Q-list 
    Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 8:24 PM
    Subject: NAC: fiberglass fabrication

    can any of you either recommend the literature or better yet personally 
    teach one very receptive (and humble too, I might add :) ) DIY quick 
    learner and Audi fanatic how to fabricate laminated fibreglass panels? I 
    will supply all the beer and junk food that the intensive thought 
    process will require.

    Igor Kessel
    two turbo quattros
    quattro mailing list
    quattro at

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