Crankcase flush products, any harm?

Mike Claire mike.claire at
Thu Mar 24 18:58:07 EST 2005

The one I have given serious consideration to is Auto-Rx.  It has a
real following on the oil-geek forums, most of these products get
lambasted by them.  It is very slow to act, like months and thousands
of miles.

'93 S4

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 18:47:24 EST, TWFAUST at <TWFAUST at> wrote:
> I keep hearing that crankcase flush products (I think Gunk makes one) will do
> terrible thing to your engines internals. I have heard of anyone who actually
> suffered from the use. I have used them a few times, I think the Gunk
> product, and never had any trouble. Is this just an old wives tale? Can anyone
> actually verify dire consequences?
> Tom Faust
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