front shock insert replacement question

Mike Arman armanmik at
Fri Mar 25 21:50:08 EST 2005

When all else fails, read the instructions. . . it takes 30cc of oil on 
each side ;-)

 >A few years back when I replaced the shock inserts in my 5K (now Cody's 
5K), I seem to recall something about pouring 250ccs (?) of motor oil down 
into each strut tube before installing the new inserts.

 >I can't check this - Cody also got the Bentley and the Haynes books.

 >I'm doing the V8 this weekend - Am I hallucinating, or do I need to do 
this, and if I do, is 250cc the correct amount per side? (No, I am NOT 
going to ask if dino or synth is preferred - or if I should add MMO or STP, 
and how much - it is getting whatever I have on the shelf, which is 
probably 20-50 Castrol GTX.)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
86 5KS, 86 5KTQ, tons of parts, all down with Cody Forbes now in Delray
90 V8Q - it isn't just a car, it's an ADVENTURE!

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