pothole damage

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 30 13:58:37 EST 2005

Hi all!!

Ken seems to be on the money!!

It sounds perhaps as if the brake pads are sticking to
the rotor or caliper itself rubbing against the rotor.

I had a bad RF bearing in my VW Syncro once and that
rim never heat up, there was, however, a persistent
noise similar to that of a household vac. cleaner when
on the on position.

Separetely, my girlfriend's Honda Accord's brake pads
were sticking, a while back, as the pistons were
failing to retract. As a result, the rotors and rims
would heat up quite a bit. 

Have you raised that part of the vehicle up and try to
spin the tire? If it does not spin freely than
something is getting in its way..also try to listen
for any noises while at it.

Good luck,

Louis DC

--- Ben Kwan <1.8tquattro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Didn't sound like a click-click.  It sounded like
> the back of the
> donut was catching the caliper but I pulled the
> donut off and the
> black paint on the back of the wheel still looks
> intact.
> I'm going to put the OE summer wheels back on
> tomorrow AM to see if it
> makes a difference.
> Ben
> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 22:47:44 -0500, Kent McLean
> <kentmclean at mindspring.com> wrote:
> > Ben Kwan wrote:
> > > I nursed the car home and  notice that the donut
> was much warmer
> > > than all the other wheels.  Did I damage a wheel
> bearing in process?
> > 
> > Can you further define the "scraping" noise?  CV
> joints
> > will go click-click-click with each revolution of
> the
> > wheel. Awheel bearing will make a continuous noise
> and
> > get louder (or quieter) when you turn, as more
> weight is
> > applied to it (or removed from it).  I don't know
> if a
> > bad wheel bearing will heat up the wheel, though.
> > 
> > FWIW, I had a rear wheel brake caliper where the
> brake
> > pads failed to retract that caused the rotor to
> glow and
> > the wheel to get warm, almost hot to the touch.
> > 
> > --
> > Kent McLean
> > '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> > '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
> >
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