Removing Slave Cylinder from 4kq

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Tue May 3 18:18:23 EDT 2005

I did it successfully in an '87 with the trans in the car. I used a propane torch, hammer, various screwdrivers/pry bars, a lot of Jack Daniels, and three days. Finally got it out. I think I also had a large pair of Vise Grips on the outside of it to try to turn it while heating it. 
Then I cleaned the hole where the new one goes with a wire brush, and put some grease/oil on the new slave body. 
Also, I used the reverse bleeder technique, and it worked. First I flushed the brake fluid, though, so I wasn't putting crappy fluid into the new slave cyl. I put a small clamp on either side of the hose to hold it in place, and in the end it all worked out. Boy was I amazed!!!!!!!
Tony Hoffman

Nathan Ray <skimaster77 at> wrote:
I'm replacing the clutch master and slave cylinders on my 86' 4kq, but I am 
doing it with the engine and transmission in the car. After much hammering 
I have been able to remove the pin that supposibly holds the slave clyinder 
in place, but it is still stuck in the bell housing. I have tried pounding 
and prying on it but have been unsuccessful. Is there some mystery bolt 
holding in there that the bently doesn't mention, or is it just 19 years of 
grime and corrosion? Has anyone had this same experience, and come up with 
a cool technique for getting it out? I am also interested in hearing some 
suggestions on a good way to bleed the new slave and master so that I don't 
get any air bubbles.

Nathan Ray
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