Idiot Light Definitions?

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at
Wed May 4 06:24:23 EDT 2005

> I have a 1987 Audi 5000S Quatro, but I don't have the user manual. 
> For some while now, I have had a idiot light coming on (same location
> as the brake pad warning light) that looks like a circle with a square
> on top of it, with a "X" through it.  No idea what this light means -
> anyone?

As others have stated, you have a burned out bulb.
> On an unrelated topic, yesterday my car DUMPED all of it's coolant.  I
> immediately turned it off and checked all the hoses and stuff.  I
> eventually found that there was a small plastic peice that had come
> apart (not broke - just come apart).  It was on a coolant hose that
> was right behind engine block - anyone know what this is?  it looks
> almost like some sort of pressure sensor...  I simply glued it back
> together (with gap-fill epoxy), and put it back in.  It does not leak
> now, but the engine is overheating FAST - 5-10 min.  My next step is
> to check if water is flowing freely through all the coolant hoses, but
> I would love some input - thanks.

Make sure you put enough coolant back in.  It sounds like you may have
an air pocket in the system.


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