DIY aluminum wheels refinishing

Mike LaRosa mrmotoguzzi00 at
Wed May 4 21:51:10 EDT 2005

i've had good luck with those using a scothbrite pad
and mothers metal polish and a buffer...  major manual
labor, but the more you put in the more shine ya


--- Brett Dikeman <brett at> wrote:
> On May 4, 2005, at 3:37 PM,
> Louis-Alain_Richard at  
> wrote:
> > 3b- How, why and where can I have the wheels
> "anodized" ?
> >
> This says it better than I ever could:
> Stock rims such as the BBS's on V8's and 200q20vs
> have a machined  
> lip, which gives them a classy silver look, without
> the chrome bling- 
> bling look.  If you look very closely, you'll see
> the surface is a  
> ridged.  It is clearcoated to prevent oxidation, and
> the clearcoat is  
> what breaks down on many of them, and then the
> aluminum corrodes or  
> reacts with road salt, brake pad dust, etc.
> If you want to see how pretty some machined surfaces
> can be, look at  
> HRE or Kinesis wheels.  Mmm, tasty (they'd better
> be, given the price!)
> Brett
> -- 
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain
> temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben
> Franklin
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