DIY aluminum wheels refinishing

sdewitt at sdewitt at
Thu May 5 16:01:09 EDT 2005

What I've read on anodizing cast aluminium is that since cast aluminium
is much more porous than an extrusion or forging, the process doesn't
work too terribly well unless you have an excellent casting.. Now since
fuchs wheels are forged....

Which brings up another question.. Why aren't many wheels anodized?

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Sanborn <eric.s.lists at>
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:56 pm
Subject: Re: DIY aluminum wheels refinishing

> I second the cudos for The Eastwood Company.  Tons of great stuff.  I
> have used one of their aluminum clear coats before.  I didn't have
> great luck however as it was designed for cast aluminum wheels and I
> used it on a polished road bike frame.  It tended to bead up.  I think
> an etching primer would have helped.  That was 12 years ago and I knew
> less about surface prep at the time.
> As for anodizing it gives amazing results on 6000 series Alumimums as
> the company I work for regularly gets that done.  However I have never
> sucessfully anodized cast aluminum.  I am not saying it can't be done,
> because I just don't know.   I do know from my attempts it didn't
> stick.
> If you want to try anodizing I recommend looking in your local phone
> book.  Give them a call and see what they think.  They will likely
> tell you the only way to know is to try it.  Unless you have an extra
> to ruin I wouldn't as the ones I have tried were left with specs of
> the anodizing that did stick.
> Based on our local shop I figure (just a guess here) that you could
> get 4 wheels done in Type II clear for about US$150 ish.
> Some day I need to either refinish or replace my wheels too...
> -- 
> Eric Sanborn
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