What is this part?

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Thu May 5 16:35:28 EDT 2005

The heater valve.  If I understand the system, the valve generally is open,
allowing coolant to flow through the heater core whenever the water pump is
running.  The vacuum hose from the climate control closes the valve when
the Air conditioner is employed.   The air flaps inside the heater core box
determine whether air to the cabin goes over or bypasses the heater core.    

At 12:42 PM 5/5/2005 -0700, Lokkju wrote:
>Can anyone identify this part for me - it is the one with the two
>water hoses connected to it, and the vacuum tube(?) coming out the
>top...  This is a 1987 5000S Quattro - as I mentioned in an earlier
>post, this just plain seperated on me, dumping all my coolent - what I
>really need to figure out is if replacing the part will fix the
>cooling system, or if the part failing was just a symptom of a larger
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