90q What grade of Fuel? / compression

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue May 10 11:26:13 EDT 2005

I realize this is a performance grade issue.

Some of the N/A cars I've driven seem to go more with premium fuel....
One was a Diamante at Watkins Glen on 93 which ran fast...then one ran 
horrible on 87 octane at NHIS.....noticable difference. - The car came full with 87 
and I couldn't use enough of it during the event to fill up on 

However, I noticed this too while pumping fuel (MANY times)  I could blend 87 
octane (East coast) with 93 and get "91" at an 89 
price....................... each is roughly 10 cents more per grade: 87 89 93 -some only go to91 I've 
noticed................. (Shell does the 94 which is a more rare find I think 
they discontinued it.)

any reason why blending wouldn't work out?
-Scott by BOSTON

> I mix 93 and 87 in a 2 to 1 ratio.  Gives me 91 which is what is
> recommended in the owners manual and on the fuel filler door.  Haven't seen

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