1990 Audi TQ 200 Start Problem Need ECU

Keith Sturtz syfer at mindspring.com
Tue May 10 12:48:37 EDT 2005

I went threw the diag step by step did not see 15 second crank saw 
instruction for no start diag crank engine for 5 seconds #1 problem  is 
to be shure diag codes are cleared from computer from last diag reading 
cant find in docs i have how to clear ECU diag memory it does say to do 
it useing connectors in "drivers footwell" however i dont have any 
connectors (or cant find) for diagnostocs i have to use the fuse in fuel 
pump relay method ( "hold fuse in relay for 4 seconds then read code")
 Yoy wrote "the pre-motronic ECUs. SJM's site or the archives should 
clarify/ correct-" can you or any other reader direct me to these sites ? .
also How is Hal sensor tested?

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> On May 9, 2005, at 10:11 PM, Keith Sturtz wrote:
>> Well all looks like my start problem may be Mac 14 ECU unit i get  
>> blink code (diagnostic) 2111 Speed sensor error and 2113 Hal pick  
>> error or bad ICU
> I believe both error codes are normal for a stationary engine that  
> hasn't had an attempted start since last ignition power-on, on one of  
> the pre-motronic ECUs. SJM's site or the archives should clarify/ 
> correct- or another lister will ;-).
> My memory on this is very fuzzy, but I think cranking for 15 seconds  
> will clear them, because then the ECU sees signal from the sensors
> If you have the factory manuals- follow the troubleshooting procedure  
> for a no-start, and do NOT ignore the criteria/requirements for the  
> troubleshooting procedure if at all possible.  Failure to diagnose  
> after following a good troubleshooting procedure is almost always  
> caused by assumptions that were not valid.  For example- the 5000  
> manual specifically mentioned cranking the engine and leaving the  
> ignition ON, before doing a code-dump, if you had a no-start.
> Brett

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