MAACO and other cheap paint jobs

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Tue May 10 14:54:00 EDT 2005

Years ago I had my Datsun 510 painted by a shop of similar caliber.  I
did lots of my own prep work and relied on them only for a couple of
small body repairs and whatever sanding and masking they did.  I also
specified a certain quality of paint.  It came out very nice and
lasted well also.  Check around your area for the best Maaco (or
whatever chain) in the area as some do better than others.  Don't
forget to consider indy shops as well.  It doesn't hurt to get some
estimates and tell them you will do some prep work, if you decide to
do so that is.  On the 510 there were a lot of things I could remove
though, not sure what all on a type 44... I've never really looked at
one with that in mind.


On 5/10/05, Michael, Dave <Dave_Michael at> wrote:
> Folks
> The paint on our 1990 200QA has long ago given up the ghost and is
> faded, to say the least. I have had the car compounded a few times, and
> that works for a month or so. But even with  good wax, there is no
> keeping the car shiny.
> Sooooo - what is the consensus on "quickie" paint jobs? Is it possible
> to get something decent? The car has 200k miles, and we would like to
> keep it for 3 or 4 more years.....
> Thanks!
> Dave
> 90 200QA 200K
> 98 M3/4 78K
> 02 MCS 17K
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