a3 lovefest

c dyer cdyer_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed May 11 09:52:24 EDT 2005

Unlike many newspaper auto writers, this guy is not
afraid to express his opinions:


(related: Car&Driver lovefested the new a4 as well)

I also saw my first non-proto/privately owned a3 in
Santa Monica last week. T'was black, and looked better
in person than in photos. Unlike VAG's new Jetta,
looks like a hit.

Hmm...new job, possibly new baby soon; Scooter might
have to sell the ol' 5ktq...NO! NEVER! I HAVE TOO MANY

Last: also saw the new wmB 330i on Sunday. I dug it.
Here is SoCal they'll sell like tacos and boob jobs. (huh?!)

Chris Dyer
(310) 479-0060 home
(310) 567-9863 cell
11625 Texas Ave. #204
Los Angeles, CA 90025

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