Yeah, I know not really a GS (NAC)

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Wed May 11 22:15:52 EDT 2005

Here's my idea of a REAL Citroen:
and here:    And
there's the yellow wheels:

At 06:50 PM 5/11/2005 -0700, Mark J. Besso wrote:
>Alex references a GS, but gives us an image of the SM.....
>Dan reference the DS, but gives us a link to the GS......
>You guys have obviously been spending too much time in Citroëns!
>I've always been a fan of the SM. (Please, no jousts at my personal 
>lifestyle)  The CX is another one that looked great.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Dan DiBiase"
>Subject: Re: Yeah, I know not really a GS (NAC)
>> --- Alex Kowalski wrote:
>>> It's a like a GS, there's quite a bit in common, it's just a thousand
>>> times more beautiful.  I wish I could find one for sale.  I actually SAW
>>> one parked a few years ago and...nearly lost my mind.  They still exist
>>> in America.   Good luck finding one.
>> Really, Alex?? Man, I don't think there's much beauty in this car... Now
>> the DS, that's a different story, great looking car....
>> Dan D
>> '04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
>> Central NJ USA
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