trunk lock acting up

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Sat May 14 16:27:27 EDT 2005

If it's anything like your '91, it's probably corrosion in the linkage on
the back side of the lock, where the vacuum actuator has to swing a lever
back and forth for lock/unlock.    See  Chris Miller's  repair pages:

At 02:59 PM 5/14/2005 -0400, gsfent wrote:
>The trunk lock on my 94 Cab is acting up. It will lock when you otherwise 
>lock the car with the central locking, but will not unlock unless you put 
>the key in the trunk lock. I am getting  a fault code, preventing my 
>convertible top from opening. The fault code was cleared, but no help. 
>Anything to look for on the trunk lock that would allow it to lock with 
>central locking but not unlock? Thx
>91 200qa
>94 Cab 
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