Recent Birth!

Ben Swann benswann at
Mon May 16 11:50:24 EDT 2005

This is one of the worst times of the year to plan an event like this -
there are always more birthdays(I think even statistically this is true),
Weddings - everyone plans to do this month if they can even find an opening
and therefore mmany folks' Anniversery.  Mothers Day, Class Reunions,
general spring cleanup and the list goes on, Memorial Day, Commissioning
Week, Graduations, etc. etc.  Actually if it were held on Memorial Day
weekend, there would be a better chance, as then most people are off, which
is why I may actually get to take my wife and daughter to the National Road
Rally  and vintage car show in Cumberland, MD June 3-5:

I may never be able to attend one of these events if they continue to be
held between May1 and June 10.

I will do my best to take care of 20 days worth of work and cram into 5 days
so I can break speed records to get to Carlyle and back in a day so I can
assist with my daughters birthday, but not likely to happen at this point.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Ackley" <packley at>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Recent Birth!

> Ben:
> Sorry to hear you will not make it. Seems everyone is busy this weekend.
Linkov, Nguyen are not going and  Dapot, Furdyn are going without cars.
> Bob Pastore and I will be the only representatives (Bob's car is
incredible 85 Euro with SQ interior.
> Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at>
> Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 09:18:25
> To:<packley at>, <Mosescj at>,       "'Audi5TurboTech'"
<audijim at>,       "'Robert Pastore'"
<rpastore at>,       "'Marc Nguyen'"
<marc_nguyen at>
> Cc:"'James Bufkin'" <jbufkin at>, "'Jon Linkov'"
<linkov at>
> Subject: Re: Recent Birth!
> As I have obligations stacked up, I will not be able to commit to this.
If I can make it I'll register at the last minute.  This turned out to be a
bad weekend - a wedding and my daughters Birthday party among other things,
but I will try to make it.
> If so I'll be bringing the UrQ:
> Ben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:   packley
> To: Mosescj at ; 'Audi5TurboTech' ; 'Robert   Pastore' ; 'Marc
> Cc: 'James Bufkin' ; benswann at ; 'Jon Linkov'
> Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 2:40 AM
> Subject: Recent Birth!
> It’s a girl!
> When: May 13, 2005,   1745
> Where: Aberdeen,   MD
> Weight: 400HP
> Name: RS2URQ
> Engine started today, ran   perfectly, good throttle response,
> all systems reported to work. A   few lights on dash, and other
> minor things have to be checked   out.
> We might even let you guys look   under her skirt!
> Car sounded great, not too loud,   but deep-throated (we all like that!)
> sound.
> Looks like we will be on target   for Carlisle next   weekend.
> Colin arrives at BWI around   noon, from   Dallas, we will   then
> pick up car in Aberdeen and drive   it in transporter to
> Carlisle for   weekend, and then I will take Colin to BWI
> around 6 or so on Sunday evening,   drop car off at Aberdeen
> and return home Sunday   evening.
> Martin, what are your plans? Are   you taking your car?
> Marc, how about you? Have you   contacted Jon Linkov?
> Bob Pastore will be there for one   day and Jim Furdyn
> may also attend, but without   car.
> Ben Swann will also be going, I   understand.
> Any other information will be   appreciated.
> I cannot wait to see Bob’s car   again and James Rally car
> hopefully we can get those three   cars parked together!
> Best of luck to all of you, and   hope to see you and many
> others at the show.  I   promise to spend at least 1/3 the time
> with Audis, so that I can also   check the BMW 2002’s out, and the
> early Porsche   Turbos!
> Phil Ackley
> BlackBerry service provided by Nextel

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