'72 SM and threats thereof

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Fri May 20 10:19:57 EDT 2005

>I have a '72 SM at my shop right now. Hydraulic issues.

C'mon Cody, where's your sense of adventure?

Besides, this just makes you appreciate Audis that much more ;-)

>P.S. - If any listers are good at making letter bombs please contact me off
>list for the address of the SM's owner, or my address...you pick as long as
>I don't have to work on that thing ever again.
>-Cody Forbes
>'86 5ktq
>'86 5ktq  <<usta be mine
>'86 5k-t-q  <<usta be mine also
>'87 5ktq - Fast.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

Cody now has all the 5 cylinder cars and parts.

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