Returning a stored car to service
larrycleung at
Fri May 20 14:51:32 EDT 2005
Brady is dead on, but, since you're pulling the plugs, it would be
ideal to squirt about a tablespoon of motor oil into each cylinder
(NOT WD-40, this dilutes oil, AND has no real viscosity to properly
lube the rings). This is also an appropriate step to do when you
store the car, as well as covering the intake and exhaust to minimize
moisture getting to any cylinders whose valves left the cylinders out
in the open. The oil will help to protect these parts, too, during the
storage period.
On Fri, 20 May 2005 13:22:47 US/Eastern, radek at <radek at> wrote:
> Thanks Brady.
> One day when I'm in Mtl, I'm gonna buy you a beer.
> Radek.
> > If you didn't change the oil right when you put it away, I'd change it
> > before startup.
> >
> > Then pull the plugs, disable fuel and spark, and crank away til you get oil
> > pressure. With no compresssion pressure, the rings will not be pushing hard
> > on the cylinder walls, so the wear is minimal. The starter also has a very
> > easy job of it with the plugs out. If you want, pull the valve cover and
> > give the cam a bath in oil, that's good too. Of course, replace valve cover
> > before cranking!
> >
> > Then, when you reconnect everything, when it starts, watch for fuel leaks
> > like a hawk. Any other leaks are obviously also important, but the fuel
> > leaks are the ones that scare me.
> >
> > Of course, check all levels, and pump up the tires. The first drive is
> > always an excercise for your senses. I try to especially hard to pick up odd
> > noises, smells, vibrations, smoke. And you can ignore power levels for the
> > first tank of gas. Even with fuel stabilizer, it mever seems quite as good
> > as fresh gas.
> >
> > My $0.02CDN.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Brady
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: radek at [mailto:radek at]
> >
> > Just wondering if anything could be done to ease the return of a car from
> > storage to
> > service. It sat in
> > the garage without being started for at least 6 months. Can I spray some
> > WD-40 into the
> > cylinders,
> > like I do with the chainsaw in the spring? The cylinder walls, bearings
> > etc. must be dry
> > and I'd like to
> > minimize wear on these parts.
> > Thanks
> >
> > Radek
> > 88 90Q
> > 91 V8Q 5-sp.
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