Turbo & NG ignition

Jim Green jim.green at gmail.com
Tue May 24 00:51:34 EDT 2005

On 5/23/05, Christo Atanasov <quattro at elit-auto.com> wrote:
> Someone tried to use 2.2 10v Turbo engine with ignition system of 2.3 NG/NF
> Engine?
> I know that NG ignition is a good one.. but what about retard under boost?

I've tried it, and I still have the melted piston on my desk as a
reminder of why not to use it.  It has no boost retard, and will not
work correctly.  The 10v motors need a fair amount of ignition retard
when on any kind of worthwhile boost.

Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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