re. Time for 4kq rear Tie Rods?

Ben Swann benswann at
Wed May 25 17:00:40 EDT 2005

Buy the whole tie-rod as an assembly.  You would have a difficult time to
install just an end on one of these, even if they were available.  It is
kind of machine mashed together at the factory so you can't separate without

I know I have gotten these new for around $85. Try the usual best deals:
Rod at

Once you get them, try to match the length with the old one so you don't
throw too far out of alignment.  You'll be glad you did this job - stops
that un-nerving wiggle!


[Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 13:40:51 -0400
From: Kneale Brownson <kneale at>
Subject: Time for 4kq rear Tie Rods?
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <4.1.20050525133748.0149b348 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I can wiggle the rear tie rod ends on our 4kq enough to cause a clunk
sound.  I presume that means the ends are worn.  Looks like the picture
album shows only complete assemblies when you need new ends.  Are there tie
rod end pieces available?  Of, if those are worn is it likely the rest
needs replacing anyway?  Price I got was $280 in parts to do both sides].

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