Upgrade from A4 to A6 2.7t

Jim Green jim.green at gmail.com
Wed May 25 17:07:52 EDT 2005

On 5/25/05, mkb <mkb125 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> > it's a good
> > opportunity to upgrade to K04's and some other RS4
> > goodies and have a
> > really fast car.
> >
> Does this require engine removal?  Wouldn't mind
> knowing what might be involved.  Weekend/couple weeks
> worth of work?  I'm thinking slow and steady here.
> Would be an interesting project though.

That's the bad part, the motor has to come out.  K04's are not cheap,
around $1500 each.  I'd get on a more specific forum to that car and
do some research.

Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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