parking brake cable

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Fri Nov 4 16:07:24 EST 2005

Can't help you with your question, but a 4000CS would be a 4kq.  The "T"
designates a turbo.  You could have a 4kqt if you installed a turbo engine,
of course.

At 05:01 AM 11/4/2005 -0800, Eric Henning wrote:
>Minor question but appreciate any insight.  Just
>replaced the parking brake cable (right side) on my 86
>4000CS  (I guess this is a 4kqt?) and was wondering
>how in heck do you get the rubber boot over the cable
>entry point for the forward most part where it mounts
>to the undercarriage?  This rubber boot keeps crud out
>of the cable/hose portion and prevents it from seizing
>up (like the one I just replaced).  With the exhaust
>and driveshaft in there is no way to get your fingers
>in there.  Anybody have any tricks?  There is probably
>a $500 special Audi tool to do this.
>Otherwise, finally getting this 86 Quattro on the
>road.  Bought it two months ago as a father/son
>project.  Will give it to my son for his 16th birthday
>next week.
>86 4000 Quattro
>Doylestown PA
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