Speedometer Problem

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 16 02:52:33 EST 2005

At 11:26 PM 11/15/2005, you wrote:
>Because I don't relish the idea of that adventure, including removal of 
>the steering wheel, I'd first like to get opinions on whether something 
>else, possibly more simple to correct, might in fact be the trouble.

I didn't have to pull the steering wheel to remove the instrument cluster 
on my 1990 200, so I doubt you will on a 100.  You have to pull the lower 
dash above your feet when you drive, the wood trim (or it's equivalent in a 
100), and the side panel of the dash (next to the door.)  This exposes 
enough bolts that you can then unbolt enough of the dash to lift it up a 
couple of inches on the driver's side and then the cluster slides out the 
right side of the opening.    My problem wasn't electrical - it was the 
speedo drive gear.    Stuck a new one in, and it works fine now.  Replaced 
some bulbs and I have a working auto-check now, too.

More than likely exactly what you think is wrong with it, especially since 
you fix it by banging on the dash.

George Selby 

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